About us

Agile way of working.

Agile by conviction.

We have been using agile working methods since 2017 and have adopted the agile mindset. In this way, we have learned to iteratively bring our projects to the finish line in the best possible way.

What does that mean for us?

We work in agile teams in which all specialist skills are interlinked. We formulate strategic goals, involve our customers in the design of the individual releases and thus follow a common path that can be continuously improved and adapted to current circumstances.

We use agile artifacts (such as refinements, reviews and retros) to bring the knowledge of all experts to one table. And to constantly review our work and develop ourselves further. In order to constantly review our work and further develop ourselves

With this agile way of working, we achieve the best results with and for our customers and their users. Additionally, it provides us with clear processes that give us security and freedom at the same time.


„Values such as transparency, fairness and equality are actually practised in the organisation – which is good, but also pleasantly challenging.”

Antje|Agile Master

I am your contact person.

Anne Kukereit | People & Culture



Come and join us
the team.

Convinced? Then apply now. Shape your future with us and work in an environment that encourages creativity and collaboration.

What connects us.

Values that we share

Values that we share

Continuous further development

Continuous further development

Überzeugende Qualität

Wir setzen auf Vielfalt und eine wertschätzende Arbeitskultur. Diese Auszeichnungen spiegeln unseren Anspruch wider, ein Arbeitgeber mit Mehrwert zu sein.

charter of diversity